Employee Fingerprint Security Levels
- Low - This setting does not require the employee to be as precise when placing their finger on the sensor. Please Note
This may cause an employee to be read as another employee if their fingerprints are similar enough.
- Medium Low - This setting does not require the employee to be as precise when placing their finger on the sensor. This setting can be used if an employee is having a difficult time getting their finger accepted. Please Note
This may cause an employee to be read as another employee if their fingerprints are similar enough.
- Medium - This setting is the default level. This is the recommended setting.
- Medium High - This setting requires the employee to be more precise when placing their finger on the sensor. If an employee is mistakenly read as another employee you would use this setting. Start with Medium High and if the problems persist move on to the next security level. Example
Joe Smith puts his finger on the sensor but Stand Able shows on the display. The solution is to adjust Joe's security level to Medium High. Increasing the security level will decrease the change of Joe's fingerprint being read as another employee.
- High - This setting requires the employee to be more precise when placing their finger on the sensor. If an employee is mistakenly read as another employee you would use this setting. Example
Joe Smith puts his finger on the sensor but Stand Able shows on the display. Increasing the security level will decrease the change of Joe's fingerprint being read as another employee.
Wed 12/05/2018